How to waterproof your suede leather shoes?

If you have a pair of suede shoes it is always a good idea to waterproof them. Scotch guarding them is your best bet - Remember to do this in an open area and preferably wear a mask to not inhale it


How to keep your leather shoes looking the best for longer?

Leather shoes can last a life time if they are looked after - we recommend moisturizing/feeding them every 3-6 months and ensure to keep them polished and looking healthy

Wiping down your shoes after every use will help keeping looking good for longer


Can you polish my shoes?

Yes, we offer to polish up your leather shoes purchased from us for free the first time!


I've had my shoes for over a year and would like to get the soles replaced, is this possible?

Yes! We can repair the soles of your shoes purchased from us at a small charge